I had suffered with a pain in my lower back and up my spine for 6 months. I was unable to sleep and to play any sports. I was told that I had osteoarthritis in mu spine and lower back. It was all due to wear and tear and there was nothing that could be done for me. Just keep taking the pain killers. Amazing after 3 weeks of Angela treating me I was pain free and fell good about myself. I have lost weight without even trying, I have received so many compliments on how well I look, friends and family can see such a difference in me.
Sheila D. from Torbay
I have spent considerable time (and money)! over the past several years trying to find a satisfactory treatment for the intermittent pain i have been experiencing in my limbs and muscles. Until I came to you, none of those methods, treatments and medicines had worked for me.
As well as feeling generally unwell. I had felt unfit and overweight and had developed swollen ankles that were beginning to make walking painful and difficult. I also suffered from an irritated bowel. My energy levels were very low and it was hard to cope with even a normal days work.
After receiving several treatments from you, and since commencing your diet plan, the pain in my legs has disappeared, my hair looks revitalised, my eyesight has improved and the swelling in my ankles has gone.
I have experienced a return of energy, and am now able to walk down the stairs with ease. My skin has also improved and the bags under my eyes are much less visible; I have also lost weight ? yippee!
My friends and family have commented on the differences already, and I am very grateful for all the help you have given me.
Margaret S.
Though more than a little sceptical I went t o see Angela because I was overweight, over stressed, and had alarmingly high blood pressure. To my amazement with Angelas treatment and diet plan I found I in a very short time that my nagging sinus condition and headaches had almost disappeared. My blood pressure is under control and within two months I had lost 20 Kg. I feel healthy happy and energetic and lots of my friends tell me I look much younger.
Steve G. (Businessman) from Albany
Sam B: High blood pressure and overweight
I have had high blood pressure for about 5 years. I refused to take the blood pressure tablets because the Doctors reckoned that I might have to take it for the rest of my life. i am Pacific Islander in my forties with a family history of heart related disease. Both my parents died from it. My dad from a ruptured aorta and my mum from a stroke. I knew I would be susceptible to the same sort of fate if I did not do anything about it. I am a fitness fanatic and eat a relatively healthy diet. However, this did not seem to bring my blood pressure down. During this time it was 'normal' for me to have 150/100 blood pressure reading.
I started to see various alternative therapies. One told me that i was stroke material if I did not bring my blood pressure down. It was as though I need to be reminded of that bleak fact. Some of the alternative therapies did relieve some of the pains that were associated with my 'condition' but still the blood pressure did not budge. When one of them suggested I needed extra blood tests which by now was costing me quite a substantial amount of money, it was time to look elsewhere.
The first session with Angela brought my blood pressure down to 120/80! I have been going to her now for almost two months now and my blood pressure has stablised for the first time since five years ago. I have also experienced other benefits as well. I dropped 10kg from my weight, changed my eating habits to Angela's recommended diet and feel light on my feet. My friends are envious of me of the change I have accomplished. I have recommended her to all my friends.
Thank you Angela!
I had neck pain and digestion problems for 15years. After three treatments I felt so much better. I have not felt so good for a long time and I lost 10Kg in two months, My weight is now 75Kg as when I was 27 years old due to Angela's eating plan. My eyesight ahs improved and I can now read without glasses. I have heaps of energy, and my friends comment that I look younger and brighter.
Jan K. (Sales Consultant) from Browns Bay
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to recommend Angela Zhang’s Energy Therapy to other people.
My first contact with Angela was in October 2004, when I came across her website through an Internet research. My mother had a lower back problem and was in a severe pain. I decided to take her to Angela because I was really impressed by the large number of her patient’s testimonials from different age groups.
After three treatments, my mother’s lower back pain disappeared.
I then started treatment sessions with Angela myself, and gradually my husband I father joined in as well.
I am 33 years old and have been experiencing digestion problems since I was a child (nearly every day) for many years, as well as frequent headaches and general fatigue. As a result of Angela’s treatments, I now feel much more energetic, and the frequency of my headaches and stomachache has dramatically decreased.
Our family is very happy with the outcome of our treatments.
My job involves extensive traveling and although my general health is good, my body is quite fragile. I believe that without Angela’s energy and suction treatment sessions, I wouldn’t be able to survive the high pressure of constant juggling b/w my job and personal life responsibilities.
During the time I have known Angela, I always found her to be committed and really passionate about trying different ways to help her patients in improving their overall health. She also has a gift communication with her patients and I find her to be a very kind and special person, which a warm and sunny presence.
Without hesitation I would recommend Angela’s therapy to you.
I am an Australian in my 30’s and since I was a teenage I have suffered terrible stomach problems to the point where I where I was doubled over in pain and administered injections by my local medical professionals. There seemed to be no indication of problems with my stomach, nor any evidence for anyone to work out why it was happening. I was tested for food allergies, but still the attacks continued.
When I met Angela Ning Chang who consulted on my health and promptly diagnosed my digestion problems. After about four visits to Angela my energy levels increased. I was sleeping at night and my stomach was no longer feeling bloated and sore. From here I attended Angela’s workshop on the workings of the body, eating and healthy living, also regularly visiting the clinic every 2 weeks for treatment.
Energy therapy has changed the way I feel and improved my lifestyle and my eating habits. I no longer have stomach problems, it has also helped with my concentration at work at work and encouraged me to take up regular exercise as I now have more energy.
Tricia K.
For some years I had experienced digestive problems. Neck and shoulder pain and a worrying numbness which was developing through one side of my head. The effects of lost sleep, inadequate nutrition, headaches, diminishing concentration and tiredness caused me to struggle to survive my daily routine and despair at premature ageing. A long journey of diagnostic testing, drug regimes, a confusion of therapies and dietary advice had failed to relieve my symptoms.
I had the good fortune to discover Angela Ning Chang¡¯s Chinese Therapy Clinic. After the first few treatments and Angela¡¯s knowledgeable eating plan, I felt my health begin to improve: I sleep well, have greater energy and only occassional headaches. The numbness in my head has almost gone along with lesser aches and pains in my body. A glow has returned to my skin.
The Chines Therapy Clinic is well-appointed and thoughtfully detailed to accommodate patient care and comfort during treatment. Angela¡¯s professionalism and management are impeccable. Her sincerity and enthusiasm for patient recovery inspire one;s ability to heal and retrieve a normal healthy lifestyle. The quality of the treamtent offers reinstatement or our natural good health by way of a therapy of integrity.
I am indebted to Angela: she has restored my forgotten sense of well-being and effect my life.
I have been a patient of Angela Zhang’s clinic since November 2003. I had been very low in energy, bloated, and had been having very irregular bowel movements. Generally feeling very lethargic. Angela’s treatment has resulted in a much improved energy level, more awareness of eating the correct foods, more regularity and much more enthusiasm for life.
Angela is an energetic, caring person who constantly thirsts for knowledge in new things to benefit her patients.
She has an extensive amount of information both physical and spiritual at her fingertips and does not hesitate to share this with people she is helping. She is also very positive and truly believes in her teachings.
I do not hesitate to recommend Angela if you have health problems in any area.
I am 51 years old and for many years I have had a problem with swollen ankles and fluid retention in my legs. I have also had digestive problems which have lead to irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis. After receiving only three treatments from Angela my ankles are no longer puffy. My whole digestive system is healthier and working well. This has resulted in additional benefits of sleeping better and more energy.
An MRI scan in 1997 showed what was called a “soft tissue abnormality” which in effect was a “bulky” prostate. Subsequent tests confirmed this but cancer was not suspected. I had noticed a reduction in flow when passing water and tried a number of herbs and vitamins as suggested, but without result.
After 3 months of being treated by Angela, the flow is now backing to normal, and my energy levels are high.
Before I started Angela's treatment I was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I was often bloated constipated lacking of energy and had very little appetite. After trialling various remedies ?none of any long term benefit ?I found Angela's treatment to be very successful. After only a few sessions my symptoms significantly diminished. I felt refreshed and my family and friends commented positively on my physical appearance.
Thanks to Angela, IBS is no longer a serious problem for me, and I would encourage anyone with similar problems to give it a try.
As a 30 year old female, I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome as few years ago. And endless visits to the doctor for constipation and sore stomach etc and always being priscrbied Metamucil, Iso-gel all these thing that never seemed to help me and from what I now know were only continuing to 'block me up' further.
After becoming sick of feeling generally unwell all the time ( I had developed headaches, neck aches, sore, red eyes, ear blockages). I finally did a bit of research and contacted Angela. She immediately made me feel comfortable and like I was on the right track. Her ideas of Chinese traditional medicine and health were simple and what she said made sense to me.
I have now been seeing Angela for nearly 4 months and from day one my bowel motions has become regular. I had a lot of water retention and Angela said that related to digestion problem for long time. After 3-5 weeks I felt wonderful, alive, healthy, close friends and family started commenting on how glowing and healthy on my looks, and I really felt it. The headaches, neck aches, sore, red eyes, ear blockage and water retention were all gone. I now realise feeling awful is partly within my control with the foods I eat and with Angela's help I am doing and feeling so much better. I have also attended both her workshops which are very worthwhile.
I look forward to my visits with Angela for Chinese energy therapy, it is my time for me, to relax, learn, become more healthy and therefore a better person. I am so happy I can also function normally on the inside as well. Thanks Angela!
I first bought my son Oliver to Angela when he was 9 months old. For the previous 4 months he suffered from bad eczema, had developed asthmatic tendencies, which required him to have Ventolin 2-3 times a day and had been given multiple courses of antibiotics to try and combat recurring ear infections (6 courses in 31/2 months). As a result of this, one of the problems was that Oliver had gone from being a child who had slept through the night from the age of 6 weeks to waking 7-8 times a night in discomfort which meant that he was less energetic during the day.
The doctors had decided that because of the recurring ear infections Oliver would probably require grommets to be put in his ears and referred Oliver to the hospital. I became quite distressed that my little boy had been through so much in a short period of time that when I saw Angela's advertisement in the paper, decided to enquire whether Oliver was too young to give her treatment a try.
Angela agreed to treat Oliver and after having a conversation with her, felt at ease that he was not too young and that the treatment would not have any negative effects on him. When Oliver arrived for the first treatment, he was extremely wheezy. I had remained sceptical however was amazed that by the end of the half hour session the wheezing had stopped and over the following days Oliver did not have as many wheezing attacks and required less Ventolin. After the sessions Oliver showed a remarkable improvement in his health. He was again sleeping through the night - I had stopped giving him Ventolin as he wasn't wheezy anymore - His skin had cleared of eczema - and he had no further ear infections which meant he did not require any more antibiotics. The doctor said that the likelihood of him requiring grommets had not disappeared but was less likely.
The sessions were pain free for Oliver and he didn't cry at all. At each treatment he sat on my knee and often fell asleep during the session or I played games with him. We continued for for a few more sessions to ensure that Oliver was in the peak of health. Oliver is just about to turn one and we have had few health problems with him since seeing Angela. We hope this continues as Oliver is a different child, full of life and very energetic, and he never stops smiling, but should any of these problems reoccur I will not hesitate to bring Oliver back for a top up.
Thank you so much.
Michelle (Oliver's mum)
I initially sought Angela's help for the symptoms my polycystic ovary syndrome condition was causing, but have since found I feel infinitely better in areas I didn't realise needed improvement. My digestion is no longer sluggish, my skin has cleared up and I sleep well, being able to get up in the morning no trouble with energy. I feel much happier, calmer and more balanced.
Angel's wise words have made me feel a lot better about myself so I am more confident. My diet has improved significantly as well so overall I actually feel like a whole new person with renewed energy ?the quality of my life is now completely different.
Please give this testimonial to anyone who wants to seriously take control of their life and restore their body back to vibrant health.
For over 30 years I battled with the chronic pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis and the growing physical limitations that have affected, not only me very deeply, but my family, friends and work colleagues. The absolute helplessness, I¡¯ve been told of observing my difficulties in movement sometimes and the sugns of pain that one carried unknowingly in ones face during the bad times, cause real heartache for thos that care.
During that 30 years I have swallowed approximately 30000 pills, have endured steroid drugs, weekly doctor or specialist visits, CT scans. This doesn¡¯t take into account the boxes or 300-500 Voltaren and Paracetamol, which I keep in the cupboard.
During the 30 years I have tried many types of alternative or complementary health ?geared to Arthritis. I have had minor successes but nothing sustainable. UNTIL NOW!
I started visiting Angela in April 2000, starting with 2-3 visits per week for the first 2-3 months until the pain and stiffness was under control. I then started to cut back to 1 visit every week then every 2 weeks after six months. This regime is important if you want lasting results. I now rarely have to visit Angela and have not had any form of medication apart from USANA anti-oxidants since January 2002.
I am now able to exercise in a regula basis, walking for 30 minutes most mornings and enjoy playing at the local park with my daughter. I casn now work a business again full-time that employs 3 people and travel the world as part of rinning my business.
If you are serious about regaining quality of life and retuning to full mobility you must try Angela¡¯s Chinese Energy Therapy ?IT WORKS! I can even play Golf again, something I had given up on many years ago.
I am writing third testimonial as my treatment with Angela has made such a difference to my everyday living, I started going to Angela after seeing an advertisement about her treatment in our local paper. I was suffering with extreme tiredness and aching limbs and just had no energy. I knew there had to be some treatment that could help me as I was getting nowhere with Doctors. After six treatments I just feel like a new person, I am now walking for 30 minutes every day along the beach. No aching limbs and definitely a lot more energy. Angela's treatment is very pleasant, a most releasing atmosphere, and Angela herself is just the nicest person. I can recommend to anyone not feeling well to go and see her. I am sure you will be delighted with the results. My neighbour down the back even remarked the other day what a difference he saw in me. I am now feeling like my old self again.
All thanks to Angela.
Compare to other sufferer, my story fortunately is brief. In February 2002 I was hit very suddenly with extremely painful joints. My hands, wrists, shoulders and knees were affected. Normal activities such as getting in and out of my car and even driving were difficult and painful.
My GP referred me to a Rheumatologist and after testa and x-rays it was established I had Sero-negative Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Both the GP and specialist decided the best course of action was to take a Drug called Salazapyrin in tablet form. (Cortisone Injections had had no effect in trying to remove the pain.)
However, after reading about the possible side effects of such a drug or others, I decided if possible to search for an alternative cure. I was extremely fortunate to hear of Angela Ning Chang.
After an interview with Angela, I commenced treatment, hopeful that there would be positive results. After six weeks of treatment, I was amazed and delighted to notice an improvement in my condition. A further six weeks of treatment and I was pain free.
I also have a degenerating hip joint and in the not too distant future shall return to the amazing Angela for more therapy. I am hopeful and confident that after treatment, I will have a pain free hip joint.
For several years I suffered severe foot problems. The results were extreme pain, difficulty in walking, and joints constantly in pain. I then developed liver problems plus my right heal became inflamed and the ankle became impossible to touch.
Angela's treatment has returned me to good health. Thanks Angela, you're an angel of health.
I went to see Angela complaining of Sciatic pain and pins and needle in my right foot. I also was feeling constantly tired and suffering from disturbed sleep due to pain. After four treatments and changing to Angela's recommended eating regime I feel so much better. I have more energy, I sleep much better because the pain is almost gone. I have also been losing weight which is a bonus and I have noticed that my nails are growing longer and stronger and because I am not drinking tea and coffee mu teeth are getting much whiter.
I am a 25 year old male, teacher. In most respects I would consider myself to be in pretty good health. My one problem was a lack of sleep.
Before Angela’s treatment I was always having trouble sleeping. Although I wouldn’t consider myself to be an insomniac, I would wake up repeatedly during the night, and couldn’t get through a whole night without getting up to go the toilet. As a result I always felt tired at work in the mornings, by lunchtime I was ready to go back to bed again.
Thanks to Angela’s energy therapy, I’m now sleeping much better. It means I have a lot more energy, getting through a whole day is no problem now. In the afternoons and evenings I still have plenty of energy and as a result have a lot more motivation. I now have the energy to go jogging every day after work which I rarely did before. I would definitely recommend this treatment to anyone who has difficulty sleeping.
My husband Adrian has suffered from very sore feet and knees for many years. He discontinued taking water pills from his doctor, because the drugs made him sick. Since he have treatment from Angela, the pain in his thighs, feet and knees almost gone. He is more relaxed, sleeps very well, has good energy and in much better general health. Latterly he is well enogh, we have done big overseas trip. I have very swollened feet and sore, swollene knee and lower back pain, I have to reduced activity during the day, I am not sleep well at night, and lack of energy. After only a few visits to Angela, I already feel better with lot of energy and good sleep. My back pain has gone, my knees and ankles are pain less, even get a slim ankles which is a new experience. The treatment has helped me and my husband to enjoy happy and healthy retirement together.
I have lot of health problems before me com to see Angela, after 6 treatments, I wished I had done it sooner. My hot flushes has almost disappeared, I am now able to manage my asthma and diverticular problems. I feel healthy and enrgetic and my whole persona is changing, I am confident and positive, no longer let difficult situation distress me, my memory even improved by the treatment.My boss and my colleagues all impressesed by my proformence,I have move to a More responsible position. Life just been wonderful. Thank you Angela.
I am a 57 year old self employed male. For the past 3 1/2 years I have suffered from frozen shoulder. Shoulder movement was severely restricted to the extent that it was difficult to carry out normal everyday activities such as bathing and dressing myself. Pain was a constant companion and I slept only an hour or so at any one stretch. My life was becoming increasing unbearable and I was suffering both physically and mentally. After spending thousands of dollars visiting doctors and specialists the advice I received was an operation was the only possible solution for relief. A friend gave me one of Angela`s advertisements and at this stage I would have tried anything. Here the miracle began. After my first visit I could stretch my arm over my head with very little pain. After my 4th visit I was 100% pain free with full movement restored. Following Angela`s eating plan and treatment I am now energized, pain free and on top of the world. I am priviledged to be able to recommend Angela`s services to anyone who suffers the debilitating pain and restricted movement associated with frozen shoulder. For me Angela is truly a miracle maker.
I was diagnosed with arthritis 2 years ago and have been suffering with pain in my knees, top of feet felt like razor blades, swollen ankles. I thought to myself I would try Chinese Energy Flow not really believing it would do any good as I have tried every thing that was in the health shop that said arthritis relief and still having pain. But to my amazement I really could not believe it but often two treatments I felt a little better and relief thinking that was it. But after 4 treatments and Angela¡¯s eating plan I really could not believe this miracle. I have no pain. I would recommend this energy flow treating for relief from pain I don¡¯t think you would be disappointed I can start to enjoy life and start living again.