Part 1
Four year old has severe eczema since she was five weeks old
Back Injury
Back Pain
Depression and Drug dependent
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety Child
Breast Pain
Digestive Problems
Sleeping problems and enlarge prostate
Aching joint muscles
Nephrotic syndrome - a kidney disease
Lower Back Pain
Overweight and Swollen Ankles
High blood pressure and overweight
Neck Pain and Digestion Problems
Digestion problem, Headaches and lower energy
Stomach Pain
Digestive problems and Neck & Shoulder Pain
Bloating, Indigestion and lower energy
Swollen Ankles and Fluid Retention
Prostate problems
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Water Retention
Eczema and Asthma
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Extreme Tiredness and Aching Limbs
Extremely Painful Joints
Severe Foot Pain
Sciatic Pain and Disturbed Sleep
Sleeping Problem
Sore Feet and Swollened Legs
Hot Flushes
Frozen Shoulder
Before treatment |
After treatment |
My 4 year old daughter Olivia has suffered with severe eczema since she was 5 weeks old. Last winter she suffered from the worst eczema I have ever seen her with. She was on antibiotics for skin infections for about 3 month straight, antihistamine 3 day. She was on the 2nd highest steroid cream and work up 2-3 times a night. We tried going to dermatologists, pediatric immunologists, naturopaths, but nothing seemed to work. I was beside myself. The final straw came when one specialist gave me three options for treatment. 1) Oral steroids-possible side affect increase hair growth. 2) Leukemia drug- possible side affects possible permanent hair loss. 3) Desensitization series of injections- possible side affect- death! As a mother, these were not options!
After a family get together, my mum’s friend sent a newspaper article about “Angela’s Chinese Energy Therapy” to me. I was willing to give any thing a try. Olivia warmed to Angela straight away which surprised me as she is normally quite shy at first. After her first treatment Angela called to see how she was doing (something that none of the specialists had bothered to do!). She recommended Olivia come twice a week as her eczema was so bad, after about 4-5 treatments Olivia was sleeping through the night and her skin was a lot better. She spent the summer wearing her bikini and is a much happy little girl. She has been free of antibiotics and antihistamines for about 3 moths. We only use moistures now and occasionally the lowest steroid cream. The treatments were pain and drug free and Olivia loved coming to see Angela.
It has been an amazing transformation and I am so glad I made that phone call to Angela. Thank you so much Angela I finally have a happy little girl.
Lorna Smith 19 April 2007
Bruce P.
Real Estate Agent
Murrays Bay |
"Angela was referred to me for the osteoarthritis in my hip, by a friend who fractured his back. Being forever the skeptic, I decided to visit her after months of decreasing mobility.
After a few visits the pain was gone!
In April 1998 my wife and I undertook an overseas trip which involved backpacking around Greece and Turkey - walking up to four hours a day, with a heavy backpack - and no ill effects."
Michelle (Bobbi's Mum)
Torbay |
Bobbi is 7 years old and has suffered from asthma and eczema since she was a baby. The asthma became chronic at 18 months old, with Bobbi needing drugs on a regular basis.
Over this year, Bobbi has had four severe attacks needing hospital treatment and steroids. Her last attack in the school holidays (July) was the last straw.
I had seen Angela advertisement in the local paper and decided to ring her.
After eight treatments from Angela, Bobbi's health has had remarkable improvement and has been drug free six months now. Prior to treatment Bobbi needs preventative medicine twice daily plus Ventolin up to three times a day.
Bobbi says: " This first time I went to Angela I felt 100 percent better, and feel better with every visit. Angela is a really nice lady because she helps me and says I'm beautiful all the time!"
The Chinese Energy Therapy works! Bobbi has already started Brownies this summer and we are looking forward to her improved lifestyle.
Mike, builder
Dairy Flat |
I have been a client of Angela's for approximately four years. I started treatment with her six months ago because of a fall in which I injured my back extensively (fracture in 3 places). I was restricted in my range of movement, which was greatly improved after 2-3 visits. I have found Angela to be extremely professional and her treatment has been highly successful for me, as I was able to continue with my passion of golf and have recovered full range of my movement.
Approximately five months ago I saw an advertisement in our local paper of Angela, with a man explaining her treatment for his injured back. Having never experienced back pain I have no idea why I kept his article but I'm please I did because within a couple of months I too was experiencing back pain.
I did all the usual things, saw my doctor and had a back x-ray, which showed slight deterioration of the two lower discs in my spine. I saw my doctor again and although he told me it wasn't serious, there really wasn't anything much we could do for it apart from a little pain relief and lots of walking and swimming would strengthen it.
It was very serious for me. I went from a very active person who enjoys walking, the gym etc, for many many years to now taking 30 seconds or longer to get out of a chair and a further minute to straighten up.
As much as I knew I had to become an active person again although with the pain as bad as it was, it seemed impossible. I work with young pre-school children and there is a lot of lifting and physical activity involved, so I was determined to find something to lessen the pain and enable me to continue in the line of work I enjoy so much.
So I phoned Angela. From the first time I met her I was impressed with her compassion and caring manner. After my first treatment with her I could stand from a sitting position almost immediately.
After two more treatments I was almost 70% pain free and today after my sixth treatment I feel 100% pain free. I will continue to see Angela monthly for the next few months for what I call 'top ups'. Her treatment is totally pain free and relaxing. Some people have even been known to fall asleep during the treatment.
5th Jan 2006
I’m 32 years old, working as a journalist. My parents were Angela’s patients. After years of depression, on Prozac, an insomniac, suffering from headache and insecure, I was single, unemployed and heavily drug dependent. My mum recommended me to visit Angela.
I consider myself as a creative person and it is through creativity that I find my identity and my sense of personal bliss. This aspect of my life had tailed off completely. Through working with Angela and her Chinese Energy Therapy, adjustments to my diet and various other techniques I began to achieve balance in my life.
Initially my insomnia improved and I stopped taking anti depressant medication. My drug dependence subsided soon after. The therapy tended to have a restorative effect and I found myself regaining vigour and creative energy.
Angela is a wise woman. Above and beyond the therapy she provided, it was through our discussions and counselling that I discovered and corrected many of the behavioural and philosophical issues that had led me to be unwell in the first place.
Now I am in a happy, healthy relationship with the woman I love, have a full time job in a creative field and still have enough energy to pursue my own creative projects.
I would recommend to anyone who wants to address the underlying causes to their ailment to seek treatment from Angela for a through, holistic approach to wellbeing.
22 December 2005
I am 21 years old student. About four or so months ago a few friends and I were assaulted by a couple of vagrants while relaxing at a local beach. I still don’t know why but this had a strange effect on me. I began to suffer from panic attacks, high anxiety and depression. Of course my depression had been with me since two years ago but these anxiety attacks were completely new to me. I quickly found myself withdrawing from my normal activities, such as going to university and hanging out with friends, all of these activities seem to hard to even comprehend doing.
My mother has been into alternative treatment for the past few years and on recommendation of a friend took me along to Angela. Of course like most people I was skeptical and this was fueled by only getting worse after the first three treatments. Although as soon as I met Angela I knew she was compassionate and caring and wanted to help her patients by any means possible. I remember one time she got a past patient who suffered the same sort of anxiety as me to give me a call and chat about what I was going though, this alone helped me to realize that my symptoms were common and I wasn’t alone.
After only seeming to get worse I suddenly picked myself back up as quickly as I had gone down. I have now been treated over ten times by Angela and have felt dramatic improvements to my life and general well being. I will continue to see Angela as needed so I can stay on top as I venture forth into my career- I have received excellent news that I have been accepted into a media course, which will lead me to the future career. I am passionate to be in!
Two years ago I took my daughter Maxine (10 years old) to see Angela at the recommendation of a friend. Maxine had never been a good sleeper and even as a baby needed very little sleep. This became worse with age and unfortunately our immigration to New Zealand did little to help matters. I tried everything I could think of- I bought soothing music, aromatherapy oils and medication but nothing seemed to help.
By now we had a regular pattern as regards her sleeping. Every afternoon at about 5.00pm she would start pacing around becoming more tearful and agitated and constantly asking me whether I thought she was going to get to sleep that night. By 8.30pm (her bedtime) all of us would be in quite a state and eventually I started dreading night time as well. This was starting to affect Maxine physically as well as emotionally as she was constantly tired and irritable. She could not concentrate property at school and I was really at my wits end.
When I explained the problem to Angela she admitted that she had never come across this before but that she was confident she could help us. To say that I was amazed is an understatement. After her first session with Angela she went to bed that night without any fuss. I phoned Angela the next morning to tell her that a miracle had occurred. Maxine had 3 further sessions and we have never looked back. She has never needed a ¡°top-up¡± and evenings are now a pleasant experience. We will always be extremely grateful to Angela.
I first started coming to see Angela about 2 years ago for problems such as aching legs, back and neck problems, asthma and some anxiety.
Her treatment has proved excellent. It is wonderfully relaxing and after about 6 or 7 treatments my symptoms were so much better. I still at times have troubles and take some medication such as the odd pain killer but this is virtually non existent now. I still like to keep in touch with her and will probably come back every 6 months or so for the odd treatment to keep things going well.
Barbara S: Anxiety
I have seen your advertisements over the years and just recently decided to visit you regarding my tense agitated feeling and extreme anxiousness. I am happy to say that after my first energy treatment with you, my head was completely cleared and I no longer have my feeling of anxiety. I will be returning for further treatment for other symptoms .
When I came to see Angela I had been sick for about six months. I had a cold, which the doctors told me had turned into bronchitis. I was very clogged up with phlegm and my side, back and breast were very painful. It felt like it was burning all the time.
One doctor I visited told me to take panadol for the burning pain, but prescribed voltaren when I said it was inflammation. Another told me it would clear up when I didn't have any more phlegm, but it didn't.
So when I saw the ad in one of the North Shore papers about Angela's Energy Therapy I decided to try it.With the first treatment I still felt sore afterwards, but by the second treatment I felt 50% better and by the third treatment my pain had totally gone.
I was totally pleased and grateful to at last be rid of this pain I'd felt for months. I also had been taking my asthma inhaler every morning, midday and night for years. Now I'm free from taking my inhaler.
I'd gladly recommend Angela to anyone who needs treatment for any number of ailments as I have heard other patients mention their recovery.
Denise(Jacob's Mum) |
I started seeing Angela after I brought my son Jacob for a visit. She did wonders for my son so I thought I would give it a go. I had a few digestive problems, being constipated, having bloated tummy, menstrual problems for the last 15 years and also being tired all the time. I work at a chemist and I have tried medicine and herbs but nothing seems to work.
Since seeing Angela I have more regular bowel motions, my bloating has disappeared, I have lots of energy and my menstrual problems are solved. I am glad I saw Angela. I feel so much healthier.
3rd October 2001
My working career took me all over the world for 30 years. During the last 20 years I was in a junior then senior management position. My employment was of a nature that it required me at times to work 24-36 hours without any sleep or rest.
During these periods there was considerable pressure to complete the task in hand, there was therefore considerable stress. After 20 years of this I developed health problems and had to leave work and spent six months in hospital seriously ill. To obtain a reasonable sleep I was having to take two sleeping tablets at night.
I saw an article about Angela Ning Chang’s Energy Therapy Clinic. I found Angela very understanding towards me and my health problems and decided to do a course of treatment. Six months later my sleep pattern had remarkable improvement. When I woke up I felt rested and my quality of life had improved. My general feeling of well-being had also improved. My reliance on sleeping tablets had also ceased.
Another positive factor from Angela’s treatment was the following; I have had an enlarged prostate gland for about 30 years. It has been monitored and was a benign prostate; however the flow rate when passing water was marginal. After my course of treatment with Angela the flow rate when passing water had increased considerably.
I have found Angela a pleasure to work with, and she has great knowledge for what she does and also offers valuable information to educate patients.
Peter S
23 August 2005
This is a letter to Angela, explaining how I felt before I met her and had her energy treatment and how I feel today.
Over the past few years I have been feeling, I guess, worn out. At 58 I didn’t think that I would be an old man so soon, but the reality of it was that my entire body ached constantly. Every joint and muscle. I have always been an active person. Never sitting down to relax. Always a project on the go. It was what I did. It was what I enjoyed. When would I have to give it up?
I always told my wife that I felt m body was lacking something. Her reply was that she would put it on my tomb stone.” Here lies Keith. He lacked something”
About 2 years age o went to the doctor due to my aches and pains. I have a fast metabolism and eat constantly. While I was at the doctors I asked a lot of questions about all sorts of complaints. I guess I liked to get m moneys worth. I was told amongst other things, that I had the start of arthritis. Arthritis? What’s arthritis? Anyway, I didn’t feel right, had no energy, was sore, my muscles didn’t respond in hardening to work but instead ached constantly. My body felt fatigued. At the end of or all I was told by the doctor that I was in good shape and she wished that all of her patients were that if feeling like this is good and healthy, the rest of the population must be in a bad way.
From there I have been to many different, I guess treatments, I don’t like doctors and seldom see them. I figure that they treat the symptoms and not the cause. And I don’t like drugs so end up not taking them.
It’s only through trying different things that one learns the benefits .each step an improvement. I want to say that all of my treatments on this journey have helped, but still I didn’t feel right. However, none gave the results that Angela’s treatment did, and I’m still improving.
I have had acupuncture. Wonderful and relaxing. Helped tremendously.
I have had back ache for years so went to a chiropractor who, over the months straightened my back that he said was crooked and therefore affected my walk and stance. However, it wasn’t the cure. A great improvement to my mobility and movement, but not quite there.
Then I went or a massage as recommended by my daughter. This loosened up all of the tight muscles that had been put under pressure from the crooked back, and lack of use due to the pain I had. Admittedly, the first session was, to say the least, different to what I had expected. I call it a deep tissue massage because it was quire thorough and heavy. At the end of it I got off the table and stood up straight. Vertical. I hadn’t done that since I don’t know when. Marvelous, I had quite a few sessions. I was becoming the old me again. I was well impressed.
However, the muscle ache returned and the lack of enthusiasm due to the lack of energy was still there. There was still something not right.
One day my wife who I guess was getting tired of my complaining, saw an advert in the paper for Angela’s Energy Therapy and suggested I go along. I did, and it was amazing. The results are unbelievable. With Angela’s treatment, absolutely natural and drug free, shoed results after the first session. I couldn’t believe it. Already if felt light footed and my aching legs improved.
Angela recommends that you change your eating habits. I wouldn’t call it a diet because we still eat the same foods, but at different times and combinations. Get used to what your body needs. What foods enhance your life? Don’t just eat what’s in the cupboard or on the shelf.
The differences to me I will now list:
1. Previously, I could pin point every area of my body due to the aching. I was totally aware of every joint and muscle. Now my muscles don’t ache. I can get through a days work without watching the last 3 hours tick by willing knock off time to come, due to the pain in my legs. They are painless. They are no longer there m, and I ‘m much lighter on my feet.
2. It’s only in deep thought that I recall all of the pain. As the pain subsides and I enjoy the freedom I suddenly remember areas that I haven’t felt for some time. For about 8 months I had severe pain in my tail bone. It was difficult to sit or get comfortable and had to adjust my position constantly to get relief; it put added pressure on my back. Today that pain is totally gone. Nothing. Not a hint I ever had it. Yes, I did go to a specialist at $190 an hour to tell me to massage it and sit differently and I could by a special cushion to sit on. Maddening.
3. this is a strange one. My mouth has always titled down on the left hand side. I used to trim my mustache crooked to off set the appearance. It wasn’t bad but noticeable. Angela picked up on it on my first visit. She told me she would fix it. My mouth is now straight. My wife can’t believe it.
4. my tongue was always coated heavily white. It still is a bit but now it’s more like a normal pink tongue.
5. the aches in my joints, well they come and go but I know when to expect it. It’s when I have eaten a lot of junk. Otherwise the pain is minimal to nil. My worst was my big toes. It was becoming painful to walk. You don’t realize how you use them to balance. After a couple of weeks, no pain. Sheer joy.
6. Both my wife and I have noticed an improvement in our skin. I can’t believe how soft she feels.
7. My energy levels have increased ten fold. I have recently done a lot of garden work at home and it’s a full day of physical slog. I did it. I enjoyed it and felt good afterwards. No extreme pain followed by 48 hours of recovery to get back to my normal painful self. Amazing.
8. I can run. I run up the stairs at home 2 at a time. Before I would have fallen over.
9. When I got off the settee before, I had to stand before I started to walk or my knees would collapse. Now I get up and move off smoothly. No thought of collapse.
10. I’m definitely not as tired. I not longer feel like I need 12 hors sleep a day. I’m slowly enjoying my life again.
11. In the past, when I woke in the morning I used to roll out of bed onto the floor and then pull myself up using the furniture. I NO longer do that. I now get up normally.
I have told Angela that she has given me my life back. I was fast wondering how long I could still work at my job before the pain became too much.
This has been a long journey for me, but in effect no time at all. Each step a rewarding challenge. It hasn’t ended yet. I have known for a long time that the 5foods we eat affect us all. You are what we eat. I say that if we took all of the artificial flavoring, coloring and preservatives out of the supermarket food, they wouldn’t sell anything. What are we eating? Its only when you change a habit that you get the desired results.
Lastly for my wife, she is eating the same foods as I am. She encourages me by her example. And she is losing weight too and I can’t afford to. I am of slim build and need to modify my diet to add bulk. Another learning curve, but I will do it. It will be well worth it. Thank you Angela. A natural and pleasant way to cleanse our bodies and stay healthy.
Keith A.
7 January 2002
I am 21 years old - currently living in Australia. I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome-a kidney disease, about two years ago. One of the main debilitating symptoms of the disease is fatigue and lethargy. I would constantly have little energy and I had difficulty with sleeping at night and there are many cases when I would wake up in the morning still feeling tired and ‘unrefreshed’.
I underwent a number of different prescription drugs including 8 months of steroid treatment, which had no effect on my condition, if not only worsening my general health and well-being. After this I visited many different types of doctors and tried ‘alternative’ treatments. It was recommended that I see Angela by my uncle, while on holiday to visit relatives in New Zealand.
From the beginning Angela was very confident that her treatment would improve my condition and restore me to full health. After only six treatments, I shared her confidence as already I can feel my condition improve: first, my energy levels greatly improved and I could sleep the whole night and feel refreshed in the morning and also found I have more energy through the day.
Aside from the disease, I also had a big loss of appetite- I could last through the entire day without feeling hungry but now, after a couple of treatments I can feel my appetite has increased at least 50%. I have also been suffering from eczema for many years- mainly on the face, neck, arms and legs and now there is no evidence of any skin problems on my face or on the rest of my body, the skin has improved already 60-70%, as well as the itching.
It is unfortunate that I will have to return to study in Australia, but I am confident that Angela’s treatment can and will improve my condition and general health and well-being. After each treatment itself, I would go home feeling relaxed and revitalized and I will come back to New Zealand to resume further treatment by Angela on my next break. Finally, things are starting to look up! Thanks Angela!
Bernard de Kok
I first heard Angela give a talk about her energy therapy at a women’s business meeting 2 years ago.
As I have always had an interest in Chinese medicines and natural therapies I tucked her business card away for further reference if needed.
In October 2003 I went to see Angela for a number of reasons- constant tiredness, aching joints and limbs, and a general feeling of being unwell. I was also overweight.
Angela diagnosed an energy blockage in the spleen. I had 5 sessions in 2 weeks initially and then weekly for 2 months.
I now have fortnightly sessions, the aches and pains have gone, my energy levels have increased dramatically.
Seldom get headaches now and have never felt so well. Also by following Angela’s diet regime I lost 12 kg in 3 months.
I am now receiving compliments about by skin and figure and friends are interested to know how I have achieved this.
I am very happy to recommend Angela’s Chinese Energy Therapy. It has certainly worked for me and if you are not having success with traditional medical practices then try this very relaxing, safe therapy. You will feel the benefits almost immediately.
Jeannette K
I would like to share my results, following treatment with Angela. I have a long history of ME+ three and half years ago was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, then rheumatoid arthritis approx two and half years ago. It has been the arthritis which has been the most debilitating. I have tried many things, some of which have had no benefit.
I received significant help from Dr Chen Chinese Herbalist in helping me improve to a certain level. I then began taking oliviral olive leaf for 6 months at 6 a day to boost immune system plus also evening primrose oil, fish oil as well as glucosomine and condroitin. Whilst these approaches have brought me to an improved level of mobility and comfort. I was still sleeping poorly, had no energy and showed much swelling on my knees.
After only 2 weeks of Angela’s diet and treatment, I am sleeping much better during the night and have therefore noticed a significant energy increase. I am now tackling cleaning jobs around the house which I have ignored for 2 years due to lack of energy for anything but the most basic necessary tasks.
Also, my family, friends and I have noticed (after only 5 treatments) that my knees have gone from looking very swollen and unattractive to relatively normal looking. I am not sure that the photos do justice to the amount of improvement I have had in this area and the fact that I can now wear short skirts once again. I am going to attend Angela’s next health/ food seminar and looking forward to learning more ways to help myself and improving.
I appreciate Angela’s wisdom in advising clients to continue with their existing medical and health regime, particularly as your body goes through the inevitable changes associated with change in diet. I have had direct experience of a close relative who has suffered with rheumatoid arthritis for more than 30 years and have seen the lack of quality of life, the medications have provided for this person, not to mention the side effects; hence I have been reluctant to go down the same path.
For the first time in nearly 3 years, I have confidence that I can beat the arthritis and reclaim my life. At age 45,I dreaded the thought of a future with further deteriorating health.
I would suggest you contact Angela and experience the results for yourself.
Good Luck,
I am 70 years old , I come to see Angela because of problems with my foot, I had seen a few other professional people about it, but it was no better. After treatment from Angela, my foot looks better and I can walk around so much easier, also the swelling in my legs have gone down. And I no longer use my asthma inhaler, my whole system feels better, I would recommend anyone with similar problems to see her.
J Green
I am a 25 year old male, teacher. In most respects I would consider myself to be in pretty good health. My one problem was a lack of sleep.
Before Angela’s treatment I was always having trouble sleeping. Although I wouldn’t consider myself to be an insomniac, I would wake up repeatedly during the night, and couldn’t get through a whole night without getting up to go the toilet. As a result I always felt tired at work in the mornings, by lunchtime I was ready to go back to bed again.
Thanks to Angela’s energy therapy, I’m now sleeping much better. It means I have a lot more energy, getting through a whole day is no problem now. In the afternoons and evenings I still have plenty of energy and as a result have a lot more motivation. I now have the energy to go jogging every day after work which I rarely did before. I would definitely recommend this treatment to anyone who has difficulty sleeping.
Kevin North Shore
18 May 2005
I came here with Angela because I was suffering about the big stress from my night shift.
One of my biggest problems was having difficulty into sleeping and feel tired all the time, and be focus during my job I can’t relax properly, my neck and back always under pain. I searched on the internet to find any different therapy. I was looking to change my energy and mood. As I was very uncomfortable with my self. I tried the first session. And I felt like the things are getting better. After 3 weeks I found my mood and my routine was more comfortable. I’m sleeping much better during the day and I’m more relaxed and happy. My back is not painful any more. I got more energy that I need to develop my job.
I really appreciate this help.
Enrique C.
When I first came to Angela, I'd been having back pains and aches for many years. I'd had a prolapsed disc several years ago and was beginning to get pains in various joints, which I assumed was the start of arthritis. I also felt tired all the time and stiff after sitting for even short periods. It was because of the joint pains that I decided to try Angela's treatment.
The first thing that happened came as a complete surprise. I'd had problems with my eyes for about a year. After reading for about half an hour, I would be squinting to see the words because my visi