Dear Chinerchi friends:

My apologise for not sending a newsletter for a long time.
I have decided to change the business structure after about 20 years of running clinic.
I would like to using more of my energy to review my experience to be a part time teacher,to training other people to learn of TCM and part time to treat patients.
Since beginning of 2016 I have been busy work at few new projects. Now is the time to make report.
1,I have rebuild a website the meaning is Chinese energy therapy. That newname canhelp people easily remember and to search then find us.
The new Email address:
2, I have also spent time to developed other two new healing programme
A :CET emotional balance therapy.
I have workedwith people’s chronic health issues over twenty years , I realised the emotional block are roots of many health problems, CET emotional balance therapy can help patients to find out what is the emotional pain connected to the physical pain, then guide them to remove it, and getting healing internally.

The therapy is include 3 sessions
The First session is to analyseyour emotional health andhow this relatesto your physical organ function and identifies any key issues.
Then design a daily practice programme and mantra to change your attitude.
The second session is checking the results after your first session and your home practice.Then I do practice with you including meditation and an individual design mantra to empower your attitude and character.
The third session is analysis of your emotional connection with your physical body in each organ again, to evaluateimprovement of your emotional balance and design your next goal to take you to the next level of emotional health.
B Chinerchi vegetarian and gluten free diet.
Nutrition is most important part of human life. Eating also is a big part of entertaining activities.
After many years of research and practice my personal diet is changing from semivegetarian become a vegan and gluten free.
I am on and off vegetarian for 30 years, My weight was 54 kg for 20 years, I always un- happy with my oversized tummy, since I become gluten free from January 2016, my weigh down to 51 kg .Gluten free food has become a revolution to 21 century.
How to eat food to getting energy and fun is aneveryday subject. Most people easily are getting confused with overloaded information.
My principle of healthy eating is
1,to be a vegetarian. It because meat and high protein will reduce body alkaline level and make body acidic, that not good for new cell to reform.
2,Gluten free ,Gluten is a special protein in wheat and human body can’t broke down and make cells swollen, produce inflammation in every part of human body, many chronic health problems are relating to inflammation and water retention.
Simply if you are willing remove the gluten food from your diet that can change your life.
3, low carbohydrates, over loadedcarbohydrate become sugar that over loaded sugar is poisonous in the body , can draining the limited oxygen in the body , in results lacking energy also make body fluidbecome acidic and do damage of the immune system.
Often people ask me if in everyday food has no meat, no carbohydrate. What we can eat, life can become so boring.
Chinerchi vegetarian and gluten free diet one weekof diet plan
Monday breakfast - Risotto. Arborio Rice, Citrus, Figs.

Monday lunch - Gluten free pancake with salad

Monday dinner - Eggplant stir-fry with tomatoes

Tuesday breakfast - Raw vegan muesli

Tuesday lunch - tomatoes with celery and avocado salad

Tuesday dinner – pasta with kale in lemon cashew sauce

Wednesday breakfast – mushroom, zucchini & quinoa muffin

Wednesday lunch - Seaweed sushi with salad

Wednesday dinner - tofu, carrot. Mushroom cooked in soy sauce

Thursday breakfast - Kale with tofu

Thursday lunch - brussel with cherry tomatoes

Thursday dinner – lean green avocado-spinach pesto pasta with sautéed mushrooms

Friday breakfast - Fruit Buck wheat porridge

Friday lunch - Stir – gluten Free spiral Pasta Salad

Friday dinner – vegan sausage, lentil & prune stew

Saturday breakfast - Stir-fry tomato with eggs

Saturday lunch - stir-fry cauliflower with green capsicum, BBQ Vegetarian Sausages

Saturday dinner - Moroccan Inspired Vegan Gluten-free Pasta Salad

Sunday breakfast - Avocado with beans and cooked verge’s

Sunday lunch - Spring Pasta with roasted asparagus & tomatoes

Sunday dinner - stew Red bean, carrot with vegetarian sausages and stir-fry cabbage

Sunday dessert - oatmeal with pecans and crumbled pumpkin