Newsletter Version 09/12/2010

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Clinic health service news and special offers
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The best doctor treat patients before they are get sick.
The average doctor treats patients when they beginning of sickness.
The worst doctors treat patients when they are already sick.
Dear Chinerchi friends:
In every news letter we send out we like to share any good news about us and some ancient Chinese wisdom relating to healing to educate people who want to do the best to stay good health.
Good News
Expansion  for  Chinerchi!!!!
Regardless  of  the economic  recession  our clients  love the  impact we make on peoples' lives  and now  Chinerchi  Clinic is growing  further  in  better treatment results,  ,more effective techniques ,friendly customer service  and growing number of  customers that need to be served.
We are moving in Feb  2011
To handle  the growth  in  people attending our clinic  we are will relocate to another bigger and better clinic premises at first week of Feb.2011
The new clinic will be more spacious, convenient and comfortable. We are determined to create a experience for patients  that is relaxing, healing and relates to nature.
We are  creating  a  new  environment
Lot of renovation work need to be done to make clinic work  which will be completed over Dec/Jan  but here is some views of new clinic

                        Good Parking

                   Spacious Waiting room

Waiting room Doors opens to Beautiful deck and garden.
New clinic address will be announced at Jan.2011 news letter.The location address is almost the Next Street from where we are now.
Healing story
Reduce wrinkles and face

Iam a 64 years old school teacher.  My right eye can not open properly for last 40 years. Doctor said the brain at my head has some damage from the surgery I did at the time, This nerve damage has affected my voice, I can not talk clearly and the voice is very weak.
I have tried many treatments, nothing really works. I stared Facial Implant Acupuncture which has had very good results. My eye can open widely, my voice come back strong.  To my surprised, the wrinkles on my face and neck have been reduced a lot. I am very happy.
Marquerite S 30 Oct 2009
Lose Weight

I have always been the chubby girl and desired to be slim. I have tried everything (exercise, dieting pills, and starvation) but all ended with no results and sometimes I became even fatter than before.
One day a friend of mine told me about the implant acupuncture treatment that can help me to loose weight at Chinese Energy Therapy Clinic, it  has changed my life.
I was 80kg prior to the treatment and now I am 70kg, I have lost 10kg in just 3 months time without doing any exercises while enjoying my favorite foods, and even more my sleeping qualities got much better than before.
My friend said that she had noticed the differences of my size comparing with before, thus Reduce Waist Line program is really a good and healthy way to loose weight.
Ice H 12 June 2007
Special Christmas Offer: $280 for one Implant Acupuncture Treatment or $1000 for 4 Implant Acupuncture Treatments available booking before 25 Dec 2010.
Health tips
1. Dry mouth
In Chinese writing the word alive has the character of water with the tongue

When your kidney has good energy, under your tongue there will be a good flow of saliva.  When your mouth is dry this indicates your kidney energy is deteriorating.
2. Sex life precaution in summer

At TCM Sex life and food all good things in life could bring pleasure and also could do damage of your health .Sexual of intercourse activity can be modest increases in the summer but you need to pay attention to two aspects. The first is not to have cold  shower  and drink. immediate after a sexual intercourse as the body is doing a lot of sweating, in the most vulnerable state, then rinse with cold water can easily lead to pathogenic cold energy produce  to health problems..  Secondly for some people, summer sex season you eat less, you body weight loss slows, shortness of breath , and if you have too frequent sexual intercourse, it is more likely to result in physical weakness.
3. Avoid drink tea with empty stomach: during hot summer weather, many people like to drink teat to refresh, it does but. Tea is cool energy for the body; too much green tea could affect body yang energy, too much tea could result in period pain, and lack of sexual energy

4. Avoid eating cold food at hot summer night: at summer season human body tries to release the heat from inside so then constitution could be  little weak, the abdominal area could be cold, this is why summer people have more digestive  problems, be careful not to eat meat,  fruit cold drink before you go to bed.
Holiday Notes

Clinic Closed from 25 Dec 2010 to 2 Jan 2011