Chinerchi Therapy > Chinerchi Them > What is Chinerchi Therapy
Part two: We view the human body as an energy field. All health problems are related to the energy blockages and accumulated toxins. We use 3 natural healing techniques:
1. energy treatment
2. implant acupuncture
3.CET Emotional Balance
On your body we find energy points and meridians in order to get your body energy to flow and remove toxins which result in your health being restored holistically.
Energy Treatment | Improves your energy flow and removes toxins from your skin, muscles and joints. |
Implant Acupuncture | Improves your energy flow and detoxifies at the same time, working for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. |
Body Detox | An in-depth detoxifying regime working on your colon and liver. |
These 3 techniques can be individual treatments, but to achieve the best results we recommend a combined package because these techniques working together deliver the best results.