Chinerchi Therapy > Chinerchi Them > Chinerchi-meaning of the name
Sometimes Chi could translate to Qi.
The Chinerchi Logo |
In the middle is the Chinese character of energy – the pronunciation is Chi. |
The outside circle is like the well known NZ koru symbol associated with beginning of life and harmony. |
Symbolise: new life, growth, strength and peace and harmony, tranquillity
2 The Spiral Symbol
Chinerchi logo has emerged from the Chinese character of energy 'Chi' with a Koru spiral together to represent:
Qi=Chi:the essence of Chinerchi is Qi
the spiral circle meaning is source of life and all being, because New Zealand is the birth place of Chinerchi , this spiral circle also represent local native Maori element.
Chinerchi Therapy is based on Traditional Chinese philosophy of natural energy healing, while working within New Zealand's natural environment and using all original universal energy tools together to achieve healing humanity and to promote wellness.
Chi is life essence and force, although each loop of the spiral brings us back to the very original the same place, it takes us to a higher and more evolved level of developments, such as health, wellness or spiritual and humanity.