Diabetes sugar level from 8 down to 5

Diabetes sugar level from 8 down to 5

10 Aug 2011
“I am a 39 years old mother and have had diabetes for the last 4 years. I need medication to manage the sugar level. When I first came to Chinerchi clinic I had a severe dry cough and was very tired and not able to have a deep relaxed sleep. Also I had a very sore right knee. When I played badminton or took a walk that could be very painful. After only 3 energy therapies and 1 implant acupuncture my sugar level is from 8 down to 5 without change of any medication. The dry cough has almost disappeared and I sleep well.  Also I am losing weight.  All my clothes now fit me well unlike before when the clothes were a little too tight. 
My sore knee, after implant acupuncture, is now free from any pain. I can play badminton or take a power walk with no problems. Nilima”
Review of the treatment.
Diabetes is a pancreas dysfunction; the high sugar in the blood becomes toxic. The healthy pancreas is able to produce enough insulin – a special chemical in the body to break down sugar in the blood. When the pancreas is tired or damaged and cannot make enough insulin, there is too much glucose. Treatment has to improve the whole body energy flow and the pancreas made strong and healthy so it can produce more insulin. This is why the patient's sugar reading can go down.

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